Ringwood Manor, Ringwood NJ

Total Time (Hard to say, once your in the parking lot you’re there!- The cemetery however, 15 minutes, one way) Ringwood Manor was first built in 1740, but it took many years and a few changes in ownership before it turned into the 51-room mansion that lies in Ringwood today. Today the manor is aContinue reading “Ringwood Manor, Ringwood NJ”

Letchworth Village Cemetery, Stony Point, NY

Total travel time (5 minutes) For information regarding the actual Village please refer to my tour on “Letchworth Village, Theils NY”. This tour will describe the actual cemetery which is located a few miles from the actual village and in the town of Stony Point. What is very sad about this cemetery is that gravesContinue reading “Letchworth Village Cemetery, Stony Point, NY”

Undercliff Bathhouse , Englewood Cliffs, NJ

1 Hour or 20 Minutes (Depending on the parking lot you choose). Since I’m all for exploration I will detail this as if you took the longer tour (1 hour, thirty minutes each way). The added benefit of taking the longer tour is that you will also pass the Bloomer’s Beach ruins. If you wantContinue reading “Undercliff Bathhouse , Englewood Cliffs, NJ”